The History of Sutton-in-Craven
written 1927 by Nellie Stell

This history of Sutton was written between 1925 and 1927 by local historian Nellie Stell. I've tried to preserve the spellings and punctuation of the original. Special thanks to Mrs Armitage of Sutton CE School and Christine Robinson for the extended loan of the manuscript.

<< 18. Lay Subsidy 1524 20. County Rate 1584 >>


  1. Foreword
  2. The Position of Sutton
  3. The Ice Age
  4. Early Man
  5. The Bronze Age
  6. The Hitchingstone
  7. Place Name
  8. Other Place Names
  9. Domesday Book
  10. Reign of King John
  11. The de Sutton Family
  12. Nomina Villarum
  13. The Life of the People
  14. Inhabitants of Sutton 1379
  15. The Poll Tax of 1379
  16. Bolton Priory
  17. Flodden Field
  18. Lay Subsidy 1524
  19. Muster Roll
  20. County Rate 1584
  21. Copley and Malsis Hall
  22. Plagues
  23. Old Jenkins
  24. The Civil War
  25. Commonwealth Marriages
  26. Ratepayers in 1658
  27. Encroachments
  28. Enclosure Acts
  29. Agriculture
  30. Woollen Manufacture
  31. Trades-people in 1820
  32. The Corn Mill
  33. T and M Bairstow
  34. Township Account Books
  35. Relief of the Poor
  36. Settlements
  37. Constables Accounts
  38. The Pinfold & Stocks
  39. Boundary Riding
  40. The Church
  41. The Baptist Church
  42. Roads
  43. Roman Road
  44. Maintenance of the Roads
  45. Halifax - Settle Road
  46. Holme Lane
  47. Eastburn Lane
  48. Bridges
  49. Sutton in the 19th Century
  50. Sutton in 1927

19. Muster Roll

It was customary in the middle ages to review at times all those men who could possibly be called upon to fight. We have record of the muster of the men of this neighbourhood in the reign of Henry VIII. The Muster Rolls are undated.

The muster was, in the words of the document, the "shewying and views of the men at arms, men armed hable to bare them, as well archers as other men, and horsemen and on fote". In the rolls are given "the names and forenames and diversic of their harneyse". The men of Craven were seen by Sir Thomas Tempest of Bracewell, knight and John Lambert of Calton, Commissioners of the King on the 27th and 28th March and the first day of April (1539).

On the Sutton list are 39 names. Most of them are familiar, Bret, Blakey, Smythe, Shakilden, Harper and Spenser are all common Sutton names of the period.

From the summary there seems to have been five men who were equipped for fighting. There were twenty men who had no weapon at all. The rest had different implements. Hugo Baret had a jak and a salet. That is, a jacket probably of leather and a light helmet. John Scardeburgh had a lede malle, that is, a hammer shaped weapon made of lead. Robert lejoyd had splentes and bill. The former was a (set of) small overlapping plates, used for the defence of the arm above the elbow, it allowed free motion of the arm. The bill was a similar weapon to the malle.

It would be interesting to know the condition of these weapons, probably they were kept in the family and handed down.

Muster Roll. Villa de Sutton.

ar. William Baret hors & hern
ar. Hugh Blakey hors & hern
b. Robert Shakilden Hors
b. Richard Shakilden jak, bill
ar. Jamys Ednumdson
b. Robert Baret salet, bill
b. William Baret
b. John Nutter jak
b. Gilbert Thompson
b. John Riden
b. John Shakilden
b. Robert Parkinson hors
b. Richard Thompson
b. Richard Spencer
b. Edward Harper
b. Edward Hooper
b. Rober lejoyd splentes, bill
b. John Scardeburgh lede melle
b. Richard Scardeburgh
b. Thomas Blakey gent hors & hern
b. Richard Smythe hors & hern
b. Edward Shakilden
b. Edmund Harper hors
b. Richard Smythe hors
b. Adam Baret
b. Richard Scardeburgh
b. John Baret jak, salet
ar. Robert Bag jak
b. Arthur Jackson
b. Richard Harper hors & hern
b. Edward Dickson hors & hern
b. William Spencer jak, bill
b. Robert Spencer
b. William Baret
b. Hugo Baret jak, salet
b. Thomas Grey
ar. Nicolas Jonson
b. John Cowndow

Son lf Hablemen XXXIX


Archers V


of men furnyshed V
of horses IIII
of jakkes VI
of salettes III
of billes V
of splentes I

<< 18. Lay Subsidy 1524 20. County Rate 1584 >>

This history of Sutton was written between 1925 and 1927 by local historian Nellie Stell. I've tried to preserve the spellings and punctuation of the original. Special thanks to Mrs Armitage of Sutton CE School and Christine Robinson for the extended loan of the manuscript.