8. Other Place Names
The Saxons cultivated their land on the three field system. The names of these are still existing. We have Eastfield on the East
of the beck. Westfield and Norders, a corruption of northern, are on the other side. These areas still contain some of the most
fertile fields in the village. Although the Westfield and to a lesser extent the Eastfield and Norders have been covered by the
extension of the village.
On the hillside are the fields called Dove Lands, this points to the supposition that the manoral dove cote stood in his neighbourhood.
The field name "Hogroyd" still remains, showing the clearing in the forest where the swineherd looked after the pigs for the people of
Sutton. The name of the fields where the park is now, is "Otter Holes". The animals came up the side stream to breed until
comparatively recently.