The History of Sutton-in-Craven
written 1927 by Nellie Stell

This history of Sutton was written between 1925 and 1927 by local historian Nellie Stell. I've tried to preserve the spellings and punctuation of the original. Special thanks to Mrs Armitage of Sutton CE School and Christine Robinson for the extended loan of the manuscript.

<< 16. Bolton Priory 18. Lay Subsidy 1524 >>


  1. Foreword
  2. The Position of Sutton
  3. The Ice Age
  4. Early Man
  5. The Bronze Age
  6. The Hitchingstone
  7. Place Name
  8. Other Place Names
  9. Domesday Book
  10. Reign of King John
  11. The de Sutton Family
  12. Nomina Villarum
  13. The Life of the People
  14. Inhabitants of Sutton 1379
  15. The Poll Tax of 1379
  16. Bolton Priory
  17. Flodden Field
  18. Lay Subsidy 1524
  19. Muster Roll
  20. County Rate 1584
  21. Copley and Malsis Hall
  22. Plagues
  23. Old Jenkins
  24. The Civil War
  25. Commonwealth Marriages
  26. Ratepayers in 1658
  27. Encroachments
  28. Enclosure Acts
  29. Agriculture
  30. Woollen Manufacture
  31. Trades-people in 1820
  32. The Corn Mill
  33. T and M Bairstow
  34. Township Account Books
  35. Relief of the Poor
  36. Settlements
  37. Constables Accounts
  38. The Pinfold & Stocks
  39. Boundary Riding
  40. The Church
  41. The Baptist Church
  42. Roads
  43. Roman Road
  44. Maintenance of the Roads
  45. Halifax - Settle Road
  46. Holme Lane
  47. Eastburn Lane
  48. Bridges
  49. Sutton in the 19th Century
  50. Sutton in 1927

17. Flodden Field

It is interesting to see how the village history is connected with national events. When the battle of Flodden Field was fought on September the ninth 1513, Sutton's contribution to the English army was two men. As previously stated the tenants of the village held their holdings on condition of military service if called upon by their lord. In some cases they had to present themselves fully armed. The names of the two men were John Blakey, who had "a bow an able horse &c", and John Parkinson who was evidently unarmed. These men, along with others from nearly every Craven village were summoned by Lord Clifford to meet him at Skipton Castle and then proceed with him to Flodden.

Bow Hill an ancient homestead in the village is said to have been the home of one of these men.

<< 16. Bolton Priory 18. Lay Subsidy 1524 >>

This history of Sutton was written between 1925 and 1927 by local historian Nellie Stell. I've tried to preserve the spellings and punctuation of the original. Special thanks to Mrs Armitage of Sutton CE School and Christine Robinson for the extended loan of the manuscript.