Sutton-in-Craven Women's Institute

2024 Programme

2nd Monday of the month

1.30pm - 3pm

The Cricket Pavilion,
Sutton in Craven
Postcode: BD207AJ

Click the following to contact us on facebook or Local WI email or Suttonincraven website
Every Second Monday of the month. New members are normally very welcome
however Our membership list is full at present, we just can't fit anymore into the Cricket Pavilion safely.

We do have a waiting list and we welcome guests for individual meetings.

The first meeting free

Programme of Meetings 2024
Jan 8th
New Year Party with Refreshments and Quiz
Feb 12th
Life as a Calendar Girl : Tricia Stewart
Competition: A Cheeky Picture of Yourself.
Mar 11th
Settle Graveyard Project : Sarah Lister
Competition: Special Epitaph or Gravestone
Apr 8th
Catering for Royalty : Colin Alderson
Competition: A Recipe Fit for King Charles
May 13th
Broadcasting : Andrew Edwards
Competition: Memento of a TV Programme
Jun 10th
Homeless not Hopeless Anthony
Competition: An item that sums up "Home"
Jun 24th
"Riddlesden Hall Garden Tour 2pm
Jul 8th

Making Jewellery : Nikki Barrett
Competition: A treasured item of jewellery
Aug 12th

Garden Party with Games
Competition: A small flower arrangement
Sep 9th
To be confirmed
Competition: TBC
Oct 14th
Crafting with Bev
Competition: The best item produced today
Nov 11th
AGM Cheese and Wine
Dec 12th
Christmas lunch - venue to be decided

We also enjoy other events on a regular basis, including
Monthly Lunches at local venues
Theatre visits
Social evenings

Click here to visit the national Women's Intitute site at