Ripponden 26 July 2014
6.8 miles SD 039 198

Photos by Paul Wilkinson unless otherwise stated

Rambling Club

Rambling Club

Rambling Club

Rambling Club
Mill Bank

Rambling Club

Rambling Club

Rambling Club

Rambling Club

Rambling Club
Ryburn Reservoir

Rambling Club

Rambling Club

Rambling Club

Rambling Club
At the entrance to the old Rishworth Railway Station

Rambling Club
River Ryburn

Rambling Club
Disused railway track bed colonised by Himalayan Balsam

Rambling Club
Refreshment stop in Ripponden, very welcome in the 26°C heat

The following photographs were taken by Allan Friswell when proving the walk

Rambling Club
Climbing to Soyland (Allan Friswell)

Rambling Club
Mill Bank (Allan Friswell)

Rambling Club
Mill Bank steps (Allan Friswell)

Rambling Club
Eccles Parlour (Allan Friswell)

Rambling Club
Lumb Brook, Calderdale Way, Mill Bank (Allan Friswell)

Rambling Club
Ryburn Reservoir (Allan Friswell)