The Fallen of Sutton-in-Craven - Additions

After the conclusion of the Great War, the village of Sutton-in-Craven counted its losses as did villages, towns and cities all across the nation. In 1921 a memorial was erected in the village park to honour and remember the names of 40 'Fallen' heroes from the township of Sutton (either by birth or by residence) who made the ultimate sacrifice.

In more recent years with the advent of the Internet and a multitude of specialised researching websites, it has become possible to establish that not every 'Fallen' serviceman from Sutton was commemorated on the village war memorial back in 1921. Below are the names and associated profiles of eleven additional identified casualties of the Great War, who originated from or who resided in Sutton-in-Craven.

To the Glory of God and in Honoured Memory
of the Men of Sutton-in-Craven who made the
Supreme Sacrifice for God, King and Country
in the Great War 1914-1919

Sutton Park War Memorial

At The Going Down Of The Sun
And In The Morning
We Will Remember Them