South Craven Retired Men's Forum

The South Craven Retired Men's Forum provides regular opportunities for like minded folk to make new friends and expand their interests. Meetings are held Tuesday mornings from early October to the end of March from 9.30am to 11.30am in the South Craven Baptist Church, Sutton-In-Craven. We begin with coffee and biscuits and time to chat with friends, followed by a varied programme of entertainment by invited speakers on a wide range of topics. Our purpose is to provide regular opportunities to keep minds active and meet up with friends old and new. If you are retired or semi retired and wish to do more with your spare time, then get in touch with us on one of the telephone numbers below. Alternatively just turn up at a meeting and take a look at us. New members are most welcome.

Membership fee is now £10.00 per year. The cost for each meeting of £2.00 is to cover the weekly expenses, coffee and biscuits.

For further information telephone Bob Trunks on (01535) 633706, Ian White on (01535) 635588 or Roy Attwood on (01535) 632880.


Programme of speakers for 2024/2025

Sept 3rd 50th Anniversary Coffee Morning.  

Oct 1st History of the RAF George Martin 
Oct 8th Problems with words Alan Hemsworth 
Oct 15th The Falklands by Submarine Paul Sayce 
Oct22nd Not a Lunar landing Bob Seely 
Oct 29th Confessions of a Tramoholic Paul Haywood 

Nov_5th The scandals of Ermysteads Ian Lockwood 
Nov_12th The work of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission Nina Wardleworth 
Nov_19th Taking Nature Ray Brown 
Nov_26th Grand tour of China Brian Clough 

Dec_3rd The Awkward Neighbours David W Davies 
Dec_10th Cravens Badgers Liz Groves 
Dec_12th Men's Forum Lunch  
Dec_17th School Carols Sutton C.P.  

Jan 7th The long and winding road Alan Pugh  
Jan 14th Letters Home 1942-1946 David Newall  
Jan 21st Natures year David Alred  
Jan 28th Deeds to earn the Victoria Cross Martin Cocker  

Feb 4th Spellbound Gordon Sharp  
Feb 11th Local Lifeboats of the RNLI Martin Chappelow
Feb 18th TBA Paul Blythe  
Feb 25th The Halifax slasher - panic and vigilantism David Glover  

Mar 4th Formula 1, the greatest show on earth Graham Read  
Mar 11th All the volcanoes under the sun Martin Lunn  
Mar 18th The great American songbook Stuart Atkins  
Mar 25th Come along and have your say AGM  

Programme of speakers for 2023/2024

Sept 5th Coffee morning  

Oct 3rd India - Delhi to Kovalam. Brian Clough
Oct 10th Upper Wharfdale - Grassington to Cam. David Alred
Oct 17th A Very British Meteorite. Martin Lunn
Oct24th Yorkshire Dialect a light Hearted look. Alan Hemsworth
Oct 31st Life and Leisure in Britain 1945 - 1959. David W Davis

Nov 7th Red Arrows. George Martin
Nov 14th Out and About. Spellbound
Nov 21st Points Curves and Twiddly Bits. Paul Haywood
Nov 28th Iconic road cars from the 1950's to present day. Graham Read

Dec 5th Experience of driving a Steam Roadgoing Locomotive. Brian Clough
Dec 12th Schools Carols. Sutton CP School
Dec 14th Mens Forum Lunch  
Dec 19th No Meeting  No Meeting 

Jan 2nd No Meeting  No Meeting 
Jan 9th My Fathers WW2 Pilot Diaries. Alan Pugh
Jan 16th The Murders of Burke and Hare. David Sibbald
Jan 23rd In the steps of the Incas. Geoff Queen
Jan 30th A sting in the tale. John Peet

Feb 6th Kwazulu Natal. Tony Birkett
Feb 13th My Wives and other stories. Tim Forman
Feb 20th Embsay and Bolton Abbey Railway. Stephen Middleton
Feb 27th OY! Where do you think you are going with those elephants?. Bob Seeley

Mar 5th "A very dangerous work" Gilbert Scott and the restoration of Ripon Cathedral. David Winpenny
Mar 12th The History of Skipton. Ian Lockwood
Mar 19th Local history of the Leeds Liverpool Canal. Followed by AGM, Stay and Have Your Say. Colin Thunhurst
Mar 26th No Meeting No Meeting 

Programme of speakers for 2022/2023

May 3rd Coffee morning  

Jun 7th Coffee morning  

Jul 5th Coffee morning  

Sep 6th Coffee morning  

Oct 4th Game of Drones George Martin
Oct 11th Upper Fell Rescue Howard Driver
Oct 18th The grey years 1990/1997 David W Davies
Oct 25th Calcutta trams/Darjeeling and Himalayan Railway Paul Haywood

Nov 1st Yorkshire Dales - A residents view Geoff Queen
Nov 8th Inns names and signs Alan Hemsworth
Nov 15th A ramble through the solar system Martin Lunn
Nov 22nd Bancroft Mill Ian McKay
Nov 29th The Skipton man who electrified Craven and beyond Robin Longbottom

Dec 6th Christmas Carols Sutton School
Dec 8th Forum Christmas Lunch  
Dec 13th Upper Wharfedale-Bolton Bridge to Grassington David Alred

Jan 3rd Men in Sheds Alan Clarke
Jan 10th The pilgrimage of grace Gillian Waters
Jan 17th Spellbound Again Spellbound
Jan 24th Murder most foul John Beaumont
Jan 31st Fabergé/ Jeweller to the Czar Anne Drake

Feb 7th So you want to be a pirate Chris Helme
Feb 14th The English Lakes Tony Birkitt
Feb 21st Yorkshire Air Ambulance WYAA
Feb 28th Anecdotes of an ordinary gentleman Tim Forman

Mar 7th Inventions and their lesser known inventors Neil Ramshaw
Mar 14th The Red Arrows George Martin
Mar 21st Thomas Telford Norman Simpson
Mar 28th AGM Come Along and Have Your Say  

Programme of speakers for 2019/2020

Apr 2nd Coffee morning  

May 7th Coffee morning  

Jun 4th Coffee morning  

Jul 2nd Coffee morning  

Sep 3rd Coffee morning  

Oct 1st Chasing Million Eyres Jackie Depelle
Oct 8th Recovery is Addictive 30 Years of GA Abstinence Paul Isherwood
Oct 15th Wildlife Safari to Tanzania Melvin Grey
Oct 22nd Slaying of Dragons David W Davis
Oct 29th Harrogate and the Water Cure Norman Simpson

Nov 5th "Lady Randy" Pat Osbourne
Nov 12th Home and Away with Spellbound Spellbound
Nov 19th Life on the Line Geoff Queen
Nov 26th Comedians of Our Good Old Days Trevor Moody

Dec 3rd "Off On't Mill Trip" Robin Longbottom
Dec 10th Sutton Primary School Carol Singers
Dec 11th Christmas Dinner, Coniston Hall  
Dec 18th Memories of Christmas Past Chris Helme

Jan 7th William the Conqueror and the Harrying of the North Gillian Waters
Jan 14th Washburn Valley Yesterday David Aldred
Jan 21st It Shouldn't Happen to a Coach Operator Alan Bonson
Jan 28th The Cumbria Way Robert Whitehead

Feb 4th The Lives of Garden Birds Mike Grey
Feb 11th Nidderdale Yesterday David Aldred
Feb 18th Perusing Peru Paul Heywood
Feb 25th Inns Names and Signs Alan Hemsworth

Mar 3rd A Trip Down Memory Lane Keith Barber
Mar 10th The Rise and Fall of Music Hall and Variety John Wallis
Mar 17th Yorkshire Air Ambulance  
Mar 24th CANCELLED Lincoln - Roman to the 21st Century Tony Birkett
Mar 31st CANCELLED A.G.M. Come along and have your say

Programme of speakers for 2018/2019

Apr 10th Coffee morning  

May 1st Coffee morning  

Jun 5th Coffee morning  
Jun 7th Trip to Southport  

Jul 3rd Coffee morning  

Sep 4th Coffee morning  

Oct 2nd "Wilson and the Sailors" 1964 to 1979 David Davies
Oct 9th Reminiscences of a Magistrate G Dobson
Oct 16th Yorkshire A to Z Dorothy Burrows
Oct 23rd The English Civil War in Yorkshire Gillian Waters
Oct 30th Victoria Cross David Howard

Nov 6th Unusual Sights and Sites of the Dales Pat Clarke
Nov 13th The Vintage Pair George Martin
Nov 20th The rise of medieval English Cathedrals Part 2 Tony Birkett
Nov 27th Home and Away with Spellbound Spellbound Productions

Dec 4th Upstairs, Downstairs, from humble beginnings to the American dream Jackie Depelle
Dec 11th Harrogate and the Water Cure Norman Simpson
Dec 13th Christmas Dinner, Coniston Hall  
Dec 18th Canal and Canyon Geoff Queen

Jan 8th From Beijing to Cononley by Train Paul Haywood
Jan 15th Yorkshire Choice (Slide Show) David Alred
Jan 22nd Boundaries and Boundary Stones of South Craven Robin Longbottom
Jan 29th Victorian and Edwardian Leisure Ian Dewhirst

Feb 5th Lady "Randy" Winston Churchill's Mother Pat Osborne
Feb 12th The Early life of Winston Churchill - in his own words John Sheard
Feb 19th How we used to Live Chris Helme
Feb 26th Hats and Huts Sue McGeever

Mar 5th The History of Wentworth Woodhouse Trevor Moody
Mar 12th The lives of Garden Birds Mike Tray
Mar 19th Falklands Most Daring Raid Duncan Verity
Mar 26th A.G.M. Come along and have your say

Programme of speakers for 2017/2018

May 2nd Coffee morning  

Jun 6th Coffee morning  
Jun 8th Trip to York  

Jul 4th Coffee morning  

Sep 5th Coffee morning  

Oct 3rd Bridging the Gap Paul Haywood
Oct 10th Beautiful Barbados Roy Attwood
Oct 17th Old Flames G Dobson
Oct 24th Making Sports Cars Peter Powell
Oct 31st They did not return WWI Dead Patrick Hargreaves

Nov 7th History of Glusburn Institute Bernard Peel
Nov 14th Fire and Restoration of Winsor Castle Don Metcalfe
Nov 21st Spellbound Productions Gordon Sharp
Nov 28th Dambusters David Howard

Dec 5th A Working Class Childhood Roy Burgin
Dec 12th Carols from Sutton CP School  
Dec 14th Christmas Dinner, Coniston Hall  

Jan 9th The War of the Roses "Towton" Britain's Bloodiest Battle Don Metcalfe
Jan 16th The Rise of Medieval Cathedrals Part 1 :- Saxon to Gothic Beginnings Tony Birkitt
Jan 23rd Lead Mining in the Yorkshire Dales Norman Simpson
Jan 30th Recovery and change 1951 - 64 David Davis

Feb 6th Joseph Paxton John Sheard
Feb 13th On her majesty's service Colin Holt
Feb 20th "Abandon Hope" Life in the Workhouse Peter Watson
Feb 27th Royal Flying Corps Joe Branford

Mar 6th Old Yorkshire (Slides) Dorothy Burrows
Mar 13th Canal and Canyon Geoff Queen
Mar 20th Frank Meadow Sutcliffe Whitby Photographer Trevor Moody
Mar 27th A.G.M. Come along and have your say

Programme of speakers for 2016/2017

Oct 4th Nigel Hampson The Titanic Slides
Oct 11th John Peet Why a Skipton man planted trees in Nepal Slides Slides
Oct 18th Dr John Rhodes Mercy Ships Slides
Oct 25th Norman Simpson Settle to Carlisle Railway Slides

Nov 1st Alun Pugh Teaching - an interruption of my Holidays! Talk
Nov 8th Hilda Harrison & Friends Songs to entertain us Music
Nov 15th Trevor Moody Comedians of the good old days! Slides
Nov 22nd Mike Gill A Mining Miscellany Slides

Nov 29th Trevor Vaughan Parson's Pie Talk
Dec 6th Sutton Primary School Carol Concert  
Dec 8thChristmas Dinner
Dec 13th Stuart James A trip to Burma Slides

Jan 10th George Garland A life in Education Talk
Jan 17th Paul Longbottom The story of Hayfield Mill, Glusburn Slides
Jan 24th Iain Harris A Physio's Life Talk
Jan 31st Les Joy Enemy Coast ahead! Flying Lancasters of Bomber Command Slides

Feb 7th Susan Broadhead Skipton Parish Church - stained glass windows Slides
Feb 14th Alan Inman Zimbabwe Slides
Feb 21st John Trenouth Heroic failures of invention Slides
Feb 28th Peter Bewes Skipton Railway Station - A changing scene Slides

Mar 7th George Martin Drones Slides
Mar 14th Brian Clough A walk on the Wild side Talk
Mar 21st David Birks Cambridge Colleges Slides
Mar 28th A.G.M. Come along and have your say

Programme of speakers for 2015/2016

2nd JunBeamish Museum Trip

Oct 6th David Aired Zion and Yellowstone Parks Slides
Oct 13th Mick Roe 10,000 acres of sky Slides
Oct 20th Douglas Goode Bridges and how they work Slides
Oct 27th Jean Robinson Restoration of a burial ground in Skipton Slides

Nov 3rd Raymond Snape Humour in Poetry Talk
Nov 10th Hilda Harrison & Friends Songs to entertain us Music
Nov 17th Sean Gallagher Camino de Santiago Slides
Nov 24th David Birks A Yorkshireman's war - Prisoner of the Japanese Slides

Dec 1st Dennis Taylor Not just a flight of fancy! Slides
Dec 8th Sutton Primary School Carol Concert  
Dec 10thChristmas Dinner
Dec 13th Keith Barber Memories of the Forties Slides

Jan 5th Nigel Hampson The Titanic Slides
Jan 12th Collective Legal Solutions Looking after your wealth Talk
Jan 19th Dr Kenneth Jackson Skipton - the origins of the modern town Slides
Jan 26th Stewart Anthony Volunteering in a school in South Africa Slides

Feb 2nd David Davies The big freeze of 1947 Slides
Feb 9th Tony Burkitt The history of Lincoln from Roman times to today Slides
Feb 16th Allan Ruddock Around the World in 80 Days? Slides
Feb 23rd Michael Jackson Details later Slides

Mar 1st Dr Bryan Tidswell The history of Polythene Slides
Mar 8th David Mosley East Riddlesden Hall Talk
Mar 15th Peter Watson The artefacts of folk magic Talk
Mar 22nd Michael Scott First shots! The war at sea from August to December 1914. Slides
Mar 29th No meeting Easter Tuesday
Apr 5th A.G.M. Come along and have your say

Programme of speakers for 2014/2015

5th JunTrip to Hull

Oct 7th Norman Simpson Titus Salt and Saltaire Slides
Oct 14th Frances Forrest Travels of a Thursday's Child Slides
Oct 21st Hilda Harrison & Friends Songs to Entertain Us Music
Oct 28th Richard Wimpenny Aspects of World War One Slides

Nov 4th John Sheard William Cavendish, 1st Duke of Newcastle & 6th Duke of Devonshire Slides
Nov 11th John Hargreaves Yorkshire Luddites Slides
Nov 18th Alan Hemsworth For the sake of example! Talk
Nov 25th Prof Mike Dixon Charles Darwin in llkley for the Water Treatment Talk

Dec 2nd Paul Hildred The Science and Art of Metal Detecting Slides
Dec 9th Sutton Primary School Carol Concert  
Dec 11thChristmas Lunch at the Coniston Hotel
Dec 16th Geoff Queen A to Z of Europe Slides

Jan 6th David Wortley Wood & Wood Turning Talk
Jan 13th Ian Dewhirst The Great War on the Home Front Talk
Jan 20th Sandy Tod The Indus Basin Project Slides
Jan 27th Christine Clarkson Humour in a B&B Talk

Feb 3rd Mike Breeze An interest in Canals Slides
Feb 10th Gillian Waters The House of Clifford Slides
Feb 17th Norman Robinson A Humorous Look at Orchestral Music, with a performance by the World Famous South Craven Men's Forum Symphony Orchestra Talk
Feb 24th Chris Freeman Jungle Look - New York and Costa Rica Slides

Mar 3rd Peter Higginbottom Doing Porridge! Slides
Mar 10th John Wallis Variety in Wartime Talk
Mar 17th Peter Sharp China Slides
Mar 24th Stuart James Peru Slides
31st Mar A.G.M. Come along and have your say

Programme of speakers for 2013/2014

6th JunTrip to Beverley

1st Oct Brian Appleby Nepal Slides
8th Oct Angela Henson Iceland - Land of Fire and ice Slides
10th OctTrip to Fleetwood
15th Oct Alan Pugh Saltaire Slides
22nd Oct David Birks Churchill Talk
29th Oct Keith Fothergill Tufty to SuperTed in 33 years Talk

5th Nov Alan & Dorothy Hemsworth Bazalgette and the Great Stink Slides
12th Nov Hilda Harrison and Friends Songs to entertain you Music
19th Nov Barbara Dixon A Ramble around the Register Office Talk
26th Nov Alan Poxon Kite Making Talk

3th Dec Harry Jackson The story of Enigma and Ultra Talk
10th Dec Sutton Primary School Carol Concert
12th DecChristmas Lunch at the Coniston Hotel
17th Dec Raymond Snape Memories of a Household Cavalryman Slides

7th Jan Roy Attwood Calgary and the Canadian Rockies Video
14th Jan Dr George Ingle Trouble at t'mill Slides
21st Jan Michael Jackson Here and There Slides
28th Jan Peter Holt Nepal and India or South Africa Slides

4th Feb Hazel Ingham Donkeys Video
11th Feb Derek Clabburn 17-19th century clock making in the Dales Talk
18th Feb Allan Stuttard Waterwheel to email Talk
25th Feb Graham Alcock Can you believe your eyes? Slides

4th Mar Peter Watson The origins of surnames Talk
11th Mar Elaine Beresford More of my poetry Talk
18th Mar Chris Helme A week in May Slides
2nd Mar Gareth Davies Peru and the Inca Trail Slides

1st Apr A.G.M. Come along and have your say

Programme of speakers for 2012/2013

7th JunTrip to Durham

2nd Oct Lesley Horton Writing a crime novel Talk
9th Oct Geoff Queen Wild West Wanderings Slides
11th OctTrip to Liverpool
16th Oct Stuart James Madagascar Slides
23rd Oct David Pratt China Slides
30th Oct Joan Whitley Life on the Wicked Stage - Keighley Playhouse Talk

6th Nov John Cumberland Restoration of Gayle Mill Slides
13th Nov Hilda Harrison & Friends Songs to entertain you Music
20th Nov David Aired Butterflies, Fungi & Dragonflies Slides
27th Nov Chris Freeman History by Design Slides

4th Dec Jack Hargreaves The First House is at 10 past 6 Talk
11th Dec Sutton Primary School Carol Concert
13th DecChristmas Lunch at the Coniston Hotel
18th Dec Dorothy Burrows Old Bradford Slides

4th Jan Gillian Waters Guy Fawkes - Yorkshireman Talk
15th Jan Mike Breeze Award-winning films Films
22nd Jan Anne Cryer Life as a Member of Parliament and afterwards Talk
29th Jan Rod Fisher The Care Fees Scandal and how to avoid it Talk

5th Feb Ian Dewhirst Yorkshire Dialect Talk
12th Feb Tim Forman Twenty amusing years in sales and marketing Talk
19th Feb Rev David Batchelor Sisters of Sinai - Two remarkable Victorian women Talk
26th Feb David Davis The time of your life - 1945 to 1979 Talk

5th Mar James Innerdale Vernacular architecture of the Yorkshire Dales Slides
12th Mar Tony Burkitt Rush for wind - the growth of wind-farms Slides
19th Mar Stewart Lewis Humour in environmental health Talk
26th Mar Sue Foster Hearing dogs for the deaf Talk

9th Apr A.G.M. Come along and have your say

Programme of speakers for 2011/2012

2nd JuneTrip to Chester

4th OctJohn HargreavesPercy Shaw, the Cats Eye manTalk
11th OctTony RostronCycling around NorwaySlides
13th OctTrip to Salford Quays
18th OctAlun PughWartime Diaries of my Pilot FatherTalk
25th OctSir Thomas IngilbyCastle life in the 21st centuryTalk

1st NovChris HelmeAll in a days work - reminiscences of a30 years in the Police ServiceSlides
8th NovJean KendrewGotland - A Baltic IslandSlides
15th NovHilda Harrison & friendsSongs to entertain usMusic
22nd NovAlan HemsworthHandel, Hogarth and the Foundling HospitalTalk
29th NovPeter SharpAV shows of my travelsSlides

6th DecHarry JacksonU-boats in the AtlanticTalk
8th DecChristmas Lunch at the Coniston Hotel
13th DecCarol Concert with Sutton County Primary School

3rd JanJohn HolroydStationary Steam EnginesSlides
10th JanBill PalmerTransport Slides and FilmsSlides
17th JanRev Peter YorkstoneElectric vehicle designTalk
24th JanRoy AtwoodOntario in the FallVideo
31st JanMike ClarkeHistory of the Leeds-Liverpool canalSlides

7th FebPeter HigginbothamA Gruelling Experience - 300 years of life in the workhouseSlides
14th FebMartin WilliamsonRailways in the BloodSlides
21st FebSandy TodChanging a Tanzanian CommunitySlides
28th FebKeith FothergillTime to remember - how we used to live!Talk

6th MarJohn SheardBess of HardwickSlides
13th MarDavid SmailThe Building of Devil's Bridge, Kirkby LonsdaleSlides
20th MarElaine BeresfordYet more of my PoetryTalk
27th MarPatrick HargreavesPaper Kisses - Victorian Love LettersVideo

3rd AprA. G. M.Come along and have your say 

Programme of speakers for 2009/2010

6th OctJohn SheardBolton Abbey EstateSlides
13th OctAlan DaviesAmbulance Service First Responders - Saving lives in the community.Talk
20th OctKeith HilleryParceval HallSlides
27th OctPat Clarke1000 years of English Architecture Slides

3th NovJean KendrewMore Turkish DelightsSlides
10th NovJohn HolroydA Rail journey in China & PakistanSlides
17th NovSid PerouAdventure FilmingFilms
24th NovDavid PrattThe coast to coast walk, St Bees to Robin Hood's BaySlides

1st DecDavid AldredA Transport and Steam EnthusiastSlides
8th DecJack HargreavesThose Radio TimesTalk
15th DecCarol Concert with Sutton County Primary School

5th JanLaurie WrightMainly TransportFilm
12th JanAlan HemsworthPretty Maids all in a RowTalk
19th JanGeoff QueenDay Trip to New YorkSlides
26th JanJohn WallisRise and Fall of Music HallTalk

2nd FebDorothy & Brian BurrowsRussian WaterwaysSlides
9th FebRev Ken SowerbyHumour in the MinistryTalk
16th FebMrs Ethne BannisterConiston Hall RestorationSlides
23rd FebBill PalmerOld KeighleySlides

2nd MarSharon LinkManorlands HospiceTalk
9th MarPhil WolleyOn SafariSlides
16th MarDavid RussellHeart of EnglandSlides
23rd MarRev David WarringtonSubject to be announcedSlides
30th MarPeter HoltSubject to be announcedSlides

6th AprA. G. M.Come along and have your say 

Programme of speakers for 2008/2009

7th OctHarry LongFell and Cave RescueSlides
14th OctSid Perou30 Years as an Adventure CameramanSlides
21st OctDon MetcalfeJohn Harrison's ClocksTalk
28th OctChris Irelan-BuntingThe Humour of Musical PlumbingTalk

4th NovChris FreemanThere's more to Tenerife...Slides
11th NovAlan HemsworthAn Unsung HeroTalk
18th NovDr George IngleEarly Yorkshire Cotton IndustrySlides
25th NovGill LindsayAntarcticaSlides

2nd DecMike BamfordThree Weeks in TibetSlides
9th DecCarol Concert with Sutton County Primary School
16th DecAlan RuddockPeruSlides

6th JanGeoff QueenVeni Vidi VietnamSlides
13th JanPeter SharpMagic of MalhamdaleSlides
20th JanIan DewhirstLife in the 50sTalk
27th JanHilda Harrison & FriendsSongs to Entertain UsMusic

3rd FebEric AinsworthAustriaSlides
10th FebAngela HensonJapan - A Land of ContrastsSlides
17th FebBrian JordanBig Band MusicMusic
24th FebElaine BeresfordMore of My PoetryTalk

3rd MarMichael JacksonCorsicaSlides
10th MarDerek ProctorTasmaniaSlides
17th MarRon SaundersSmuggling can be a Funny BusinessTalk
24th MarStuart JamesEgypt, but Not a Nile CruiseSlides
31st MarMike BreezeAlong the TowpathSlides

6th AprA. G. M.Come along and have your say 

Programme of speakers for 2007/2008

2nd OctPat ClarkeYorkshire Dales Scenery & FeaturesSlides
9th OctLaurence Smith MBE40 Years in UniformSlides
16th OctAllen ChapmanForum WalksSlides
23rd OctPhil WholleyNorth America top to bottomSlides
30th OctGeorge MartinThe Boeing 747Slides

6th NovDavid PrattA Taste of SpainSlides
13th NovJohn HolroydWhy go Abroad?Slides
20th NovSharon BrownRehabilitation NursingSlides
27th NovDavid AldredNidderdale YesterdaySlides

4th DecRev. Jennifer LundNot the Vicar of Dibley!Talk
11th DecCarols with Sutton County Primary School
18th DecDavid HoyleYorkshire DialectTalk

8th JanMichael JacksonCorsicaSlides
15th JanGeoff QueenQuiz - Around BritainSlides
22nd JanTony RostronBeautiful BritainSlides
29th JanRev. Graham KidmanThe Music of John Philip SousaTalk

5th FebJean KendrewTurkish DelightsSlides
12th FebHilda Harrison and FriendsA Musical MorningMusic
19th FebStuart JamesTransports of DelightSlides
26th FebTerry SlocombeThe Lighter Side of the LawTalk

4th MarMichael ScarboroughWith Open EyesSlides
11th MarMichael EdmondsonAt the Bottom of your GardenTalk
18th MarFrank PedleyThe Music in my LifeTalk


Programme of speakers for 2006/2007

3rd OctPat Clarke Listed Buildings of Bradford and LeedsSlides
10th OctDavid PrattCorsica - A mountain in the seaSlides
17th OctJohn HolroydNarrow Gauge Nicities Slides
24th OctBrian JordanHistory of Big Bands and Dance BandsTalk
31st OctPhilip WholleyEquador & the Galapagos IslandsSlides

7th NovMaurice BaronBritain in BloomSlides
14th Nov Alan Hemsworth  
21st NovStanley FirthBilly the Kid and New MexicoSlides
28th NovAlan Bradbury   

5th DecDavid AldredWashburn Valley LandscapesSlides
12th DecCarols with Sutton County Primary School
18th DecMichael Jackson   

2nd JanGeoff QueenFrom God's own country to God's own countryTalk
9th JanIan Dewhirst20th Century Military LifeTalk
16th JanPeter Holt Slides
23rd JanHilda Harrison and FriendsMusic
30th JanIan LockwoodEditor - Craven HeraldTalk

6th FebJean KendrewKazurkistan Slides
13th FebDavid ProctorSliding around the UKSlides
20th FebElaine BeresfordMy PoetryTalk
27th FebPaul KennyYorkshire CuriositiesSlides

6th MarPeter RhodesNorth BeckSlides
13th MarRosemund MitchellA Love affair with the milkmanTalk
20th MarAlan FosterIt's all Greek to meSlides
27th MarEric Ainsworth  

2nd AprA. G. M.

Programme of speakers for 2005/2006

4th OctoberJohn HolroydBritain by RailSlides
11th OctoberBrian DavisThe English are bestTalk
18th OctoberMike BaumberHaworthTalk
25th OctoberMabel FosterEyes at my feetTalk

1st NovemberDavid RussellBordering WalesSlides
8th NovemberGeoff QueenDam YangtziSlides
15th NovemberAlan HemsworthThe problem with wordsTalk
22nd NovemberPeter Holt Slides
29th NovemberDavid PrattEgypt: Gift of the NileSlides

6th DecemberDavid AldredBolton Bridge to GrassingtonSlides
13th DecemberCarols wih Sutton Primary School
20th DecemberAllan Holmes JPOakworthTalk

3rd JanuaryPaul KennyOn Location 2Slides
10th JanuaryRod FisherAn Englishman's House is his CastleTalk
17th JanuaryRev Michael CowgillSudanSlides
24th JanuaryHilda Harrison & Friends  
31st JanuaryJohn GoodfellowSkipton Building SocietyTalk

7th FebruaryJean KendrewPicos de EuropeSlides
14th FebruaryGeorge Martin Slides
21st FebruaryFrank PedleyCruising the ElbeSlides
28th FebruaryAlan BradburyHere, there, you tell me whereSlides

7th MarchPeter Brown Slides
14th MarchMichael Scarborough Slides
21st MarchAlec AspinallMy Life in the NavyTalk
28th MarchJohn WalkerSwitzerlandSlides