Village Web Site Forum
Paul Wilkinson
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 07:53 |
Thompson's Field - last chance to object
A frosty Thompson's Field last Saturday morning

Enjoyed recreationally by villagers for decades and worked by local farmers for hundreds, if not thousands, of years (the archaeological survey commissioned by Barratt found evidence of ancient field boundaries and ridge and furrow cultivation), I personally can't understand how those privileged to have "ownership" of this land would want to permanently destroy it. A far cry from the local philanthropists who sought to preserve Lumb Clough Wood.
If you haven't yet objected to this (in my opinion) needless development, you can do so online with a few mouse clicks...
Craven District Council Comments page
or write to
Mark Moore Principal Planning Officer Craven District Council Development Control Services 1 Belle Vue Square Broughton Road SKIPTON BD23 1FJ
...quoting application number 66/2011/12210.
If you need help with what to write, examples are available in the "Thompson's Field leaflet and objection letter" topic on this forum.
If this application is approved we cannot appeal (even though it appears to be legally protected by saved policy BE3 of the Local Plan), and it will set a precedent allowing developers to expect to successfully apply to build on all the other green-field sites in the village that Craven District Council has identified as "available for development".
Liz Kildunne
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 12:49 |
Totally agree with Paul, we need to stand together in the fight to save our greenfields. Please, please take a few moments to object to this application. |
Andrew Monkhouse
Hanoi, Vietnam
Thursday, January 19, 2012 02:10 |
The campaign to prevent the housing development on Thompson’s Field seems very low key, compared to the uproar & commotion caused by the Sutton/Crosshills/Glusburn eco-town proposal 3 years ago.
On that occasion there were literally hundreds of forum posts on this website objecting to that development + many local meetings, eventuating in the demise of the local eco-town idea.
I have submitted my objection (on-line) to the Thompson’s Field development and hope that enough local support is generated to save this historic green-field area of the village. |
Paul Wilkinson
Thursday, January 19, 2012 12:18 |
Hi Andrew - yes the forum is very quiet but it's here if folk want to use it. There's a lot of local opposition to the application and the Village Hall was packed at the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting where Vice Chairman Steve Morrell gave an excellent presentation of the Parish Council's objections. All households in the village have received a flier and I'm sure wheels are turning behind the scenes.
I've submitted a Freedom of Information request to CDC for a copy of the minutes of the meeting held last June between the developers and Mark Moore (CDC's Principal Planning Officer), where a "range of key issues associated with the site" were discussed. It will be interesting to see how transparent and timely the response is.
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