Village Web Site Forum

Alan Pickles
Friday, December 5, 2014 19:09
Photos of class of 59.
Should I even go there I wonder? The photos of the class of 59 made me sit and wonder for a while before daring to ask the following question.
Mrs. Belton's class of 1947 features in the photos in the gallery. I put it there. How many of those on the picture would be in a position to attend a reunion if we decided to call one?
Is anyone listening?

Maurice Atkinson
Saturday, December 6, 2014 07:41
My sister is in the 1947 photo......I doubt she would attend a reunion.
Hmmm--dunno though--she might if John Teal was going!
Brenda Whitaker
Queensland Australia
Monday, December 8, 2014 02:15
Hi Alan - gosh that is a poser isnt it - Jane Walker (Chatterton) lives in France but visits her sister quite regularly I think - Harry Ingham, Joan Midgely(Earle) and Jean Palfreman still still live in the area, but I dont know much about the rest...oh - me, not in the photo but a helluva long way away. Why dont you send out an APB and see what interest you get?

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