Wednesday, April 22, 2009 07:50 |
Village Hall sign advertising hall for hire
Who is responsible for the garish blue and white sign that's appeared on the front wall of the Village Hall?
I think it looks atrocious and is not at all in keeping with the character of the hall.
Where do I complain?
Saturday, April 25, 2009 07:59 |
How right you are Paul. There maybe nothing against planning that says this sign can't be put up but surely it is a moral issue. The building has been defaced. It is absolutely out of keeping with the village. The sign would look more in place on an industrial estate. There is a notice board in the grounds of our village hall and surely that is the appropriate place to put notices and not on the bulding itself. |
Dawn Stebbings
Saturday, April 25, 2009 14:47 |
Well said! I drove past and thought it was a builder's advertising sign which they use whilst they are working on a building, and wondered what work was going to be carried out on the Hall. I was even looking out for scaffolding! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it was actually to advertise the Village Hall. I have seen more attractive graffiti! Any advertising should go on the noticeboards - that is what they are there for.
Sunday, April 26, 2009 17:16 |
Come on everyone who logs on to forum. Let's get rid of this awful atrocity (hope I've spelt it right) It's only a week since our village was featued on BBC Look North - paultheweatherman@ whatever!. What a fabulous picture that was of the park. Well done Mark it's all down to you. And then we see this dreadful sign on the Village Hall. Undermines everything that the people of our village try do do to portray what village life is all about |
Paul Wilkinson
Sunday, April 26, 2009 20:31 |
If anyone hasn't seen the sign in question, here it is...

Sunday, April 26, 2009 21:36 |
What a mess, - what more can one say. |
Judith - the other one...
Monday, April 27, 2009 06:19 |
Mixed feelings about this one, yes it's an eyesore - but it's also very noticeable, and the hall needs money for it's upkeep - if that money isn't forthcoming it could conceivably end up run down, unused and derelict. Maybe by being so striking it will make people aware that the hall is available for hire for private functions, perhaps attracting people from outside the village who wouldn't normally read the notice board. Just a thought.... |
Paul Wilkinson
Monday, April 27, 2009 08:18 |
I've been told the sign is there as a temporary measure and it will be removed in the near future.
Monday, April 27, 2009 09:50 |
I'm sorry, but if we all put up signs to advertise our businesses this way, the whole village would be an eyesore! The Village Hall Committee has to abide by rules like anyone else - temporary or not (and I believe even a temporary sign needs planning permission).
Sutton in Craven
Monday, April 27, 2009 14:22 |
I am in agreement with paul and dawn on this one. Although in a world of signage it does the trick and is technicaly the perfect sign I think we have to realise that this village is a work of art in many respects and a building so central to Suttons character has to be preserved as such. If the hall management need to get the hall hired and make some money from outsiders then why not advertise in the Craven Herald or any of the local newspapers around these parts? I think it would be far more effective than this sign, especialy as the village is not really a route from A to B for anyone anyway. |
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 15:08 |
totally agree - it's an eyesore. I wanted to hire the hall some time ago and found the details on the notice board is that not enough? |
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 10:11 |
Isn't this a mountain out of a small mole hill. There is more going on in this village that is an absolute outrage than one sign.
For example the new affordable homes / sheds being built on Holme Lane for local people.
What have our fellow villagers done to deserve such so called houses? They are not being built to meet the rules for social housing, i.e. proper brick built homes!
Why is our council allowing these to be built in such a manner? Why are they breaking the rules? Why is nobody shouting in outrage at this?
This means a lot more to our young families than a sign on a wall.
Please help.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 14:59 |
Have YOU contacted Craven District Council "shouting in outrage at this" Jin? I sincerely hope you have! And if you have, maybe you would like to become a member of NODISC (No OverDevelopment in the South of Craven), we could do with people like you!
And you're right, the sign may seem trivial compared to the housing on Holme Lane and the rights and wrongs, but it doesn't mean that we can't try and do something about both! :-)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 19:31 |
Dawn I've "shouted" at CDC so much I'm surprised I still have a voice. I gave over 1 year of my somewhat lousy health to fighting them. They listen, they lie and then they get nasty, to the extent they put my disabled child at risk. It takes humiliation on the scale of your NODISC campaign to get them to back down. Not the Ombudsmen, not David Curry or the courts.
I will not benefit from Holme Lane. Those that will deserve a better deal. |
Alex Williams
Thursday, April 30, 2009 19:46 |
Looking on this website the only place I could find the number for the hall as I want book it was on this forum were you are all complaining about the sign. Fortunately somebody has posted a photo on here of it. The advertisment is obviously working its getting the hall publicity and perhaps can be taken down when booking the hall becomes more popular. Until then either stop moaning please or pay to hire the hall. |
Paul Wilkinson
Thursday, April 30, 2009 22:04 |
Details about hiring the hall are in the village newsletter delivered to all households in Sutton and downloadable from this site. Nobody is complaining about details being made available or about paying to hire the hall, just about the fact that the sign is an eyesore and totally out of keeping with the character of the village hall. |
Lexi Walliams
Friday, May 1, 2009 09:47 |
Wow Alex, what a coincidence! You just happened to come across this forum when you wanted to book the Hall after searching everywhere for the number!! |
Sutton in Craven
Saturday, May 2, 2009 02:04 |
I have a good solution to the Sutton hall sign problem.
I have designed a new sign that is far more acceptable to the eye and that has in fact met the approval of the village hall administrator. He is willing to consider replacing the present sign with this one. My suggestion was that those of us in Sutton who agree that the present sign is a complete eyesore would no doubt be willing to pitch in a small amount of money each to have the new sign created thus upholding the character of the village. The new sign will cost approx £50. I figure there are 6 of us who are complaining about the present sign and so the cost will only be £10 each. ( I spent more than £10 in terms of my own time and effort already) The cost could be spread lighter still with a little campaigning. Anyone up for that?
Since the village hall have no legal requirement to replace the sign and incur further costs just because people dont like it I think it only fair and right that the cost be taken by those of us who dislike the present sign and would like to uphold the character of the village.
Is everyone in agreement ? this seems like a good solution to me. |
Monday, May 4, 2009 17:02 |
this forum still creases me what a larf |
Paul Wilkinson
Wednesday, May 6, 2009 21:06 |
The near future has arrived and the sign is gone.