Paul Wilkinson
Tuesday, August 16, 2011 12:54 |
There is to be a public presentation on Monday 5th September 2011 of proposals to develop on the green-field site known as Thompson's Field.
The presentation will be in the Village Hall in the afternoon and at the Parish Council meeting at 6:45pm that evening and "is being held to seek the views of all local residents and is also being held well in advance of any future planning submission".
The site is prime agricultural land and has been used as an amenity by villagers for over 100 years - recently for Bonfire Night and Funday, and in the past for annual Country Fairs. It was classified by Craven District Council as a "Green Wedge" in Local Plan Policy BE3, with a "red constraint" criterion for assessment for development potential (red constraints are defined as those environmental constraints that "are sufficiently important to prohibit future development under any circumstances").
I understand that the presentation is being made by representatives of Dacre's Land and Planning department, acting on behalf of the company BDW Trading Limited. This company was, until November 2007, named Barratt Homes Limited and currently trades under the names David Wilson Homes and Barratt Homes.
If you have an opinion about this development proposal, please make the most of this opportunity to express it.
Paul Wilkinson
Thursday, August 18, 2011 09:12 |
The green-field sites in our village are under serious threat.
In addition to the proposed Thompson's Field development, rumours abound that discussions are on-going to build on Holmfield (possibly involving a "local developer"), the other "green wedge" site between South Craven School and Sutton. If these two sites are built on, the three villages of Sutton, Glusburn and Cross Hills will lose their individual identities and ultimately become one "service centre" (as previously envisioned by planners at Craven District Council - they even named it "South Craven").
You can see the sites involved on this map.
It is essential that as many people as possible are made aware of the situation and attend the public meeting/Parish Council meeting on Monday 5th September.
As the Pledge Form communication issue highlighted, most resident villagers do not visit this site on a frequent basis, so direct passing-on of the message is the best way to let people know.
You can download a poster publicising the meeting here, it would be great if you could print this out and display it somewhere - even if it's only in your front window, and/or pass it on to your neighbours.
Con Redmayne
Sunday, August 21, 2011 19:18 |
Hi Paul,
I agree we do seem to be under threat again.
Could I suggest setting up a Twitter account and/or collecting email addresses of those are interested in being a Steward of Sutton and could be contacted (and relied upon) in isntances such as the Lumb Clough / NODISC situations.
I personally think it's often the reminders that people need. Could also ask people to 'cover' their street and briefly co-ordinate the work for sudden leafleting.
I will try and pop up a poster.
Once people realise their properties' value and village espirt is at stake we can see off the bureaucrats and profiteers.
As ever thanks for your hard work in keeping things at the forefront.
Con |
Paul Wilkinson
Sunday, August 21, 2011 20:13 |
Hi Con
Thanks for your message - I don't tweet, but if you do and would set up a group you're very welcome to use the forum to publicise it.
Urgent dissemination of information around the village is a problem, word of mouth and door-stepping seem to be the best methods. Hardly anyone I've spoken to or contacted was aware of the situation.
Joan Hartley
Monday, August 22, 2011 07:25 |
On reading Paul's e-mail dated 18th Aug I pulled of posters to put around the village to my dismay when I was driving to work this morning the poster I put on the notice board by the Bull has been removed and the one at the end of Manse way has gone also so who is the saboteur ? |
Paul Wilkinson
Monday, August 22, 2011 08:15 |
Hi Joan, many thanks for your efforts - please don't be discouraged by those who seek to destroy. There's still time to get the word out and hopefully more than the usual three or four villagers will attend the next Parish Council meeting!
In my mind there is absolutely no justification for building on green-field sites.
Liz Kildunne
Monday, August 29, 2011 07:35 |
Dear All, just a reminder about the meeting next Monday - please attend if you can. People power is so important in cases such as these. Best wishes. Liz
Paul Wilkinson
Friday, September 2, 2011 13:54 |
The following Public Information Notice has been released today to the Parish Council by Barratt Homes...

Fifty six dwellings planned for Thompson's Field.
Stephen Bielby
Sutton in Craven
Friday, September 2, 2011 22:51 |
So do you think its a case of the Thomson Field owners needing a bit of cash so they sold up? On the one hand its great that the village has benefited from years of using the field but more houses!!!?? Really do we need them?! I would imagine they will be out of the league of many Suttoners - look at the prices of the big houses on Woodturners - blimey! With rising unemployment and an uncertain future how the heck are they going to sell another 56 houses! I feel our village will soon be called Cross Hills!
Robin Longbottom
Sunday, September 4, 2011 19:57 |
It will be a great shame to lose the last piece of green space between the village and Crosshills. I remember attending the first Baptist, I think, organised bonfire in the field during the mid 1960's. However, what is now known as Thompson's Field is historically called Jenkin Hole and was always regarded as a piece of land with a ghostly reputation. The late Fred Pye who lived in Rosewood Square used to say that it was so called because Old Jenkin and his wife had been buried alive there. I was a boy when I was told the tale and it wasn't until many years later that I found the same legend had been recorded in early 1900's by the local historian and naturalist Dr Davy. I will send the story to Paul under a separate cover. Spooks and ghouls might not stop development but flood risk and green space may. |
Phil Corp
Tuesday, September 6, 2011 14:08 |
Great turnout last night and some excellent points made. The parish council and the developers should be in no doubt as to the feelings of the village.
However don't think for a minute that Barratts will be put off by the protests. Recent similar proposals have gone right to the High Court and have got through because residents can't afford the cost of an appeal. Check these stories out: ...and of course the local stories in Glusburn and Skipton. No room for complacency! |
Stephen Bielby
Sutton in Craven
Wednesday, September 7, 2011 22:38 |
Well when I went to the village hall they seemed to be getting short shrift from a few people. Every concern that was raised with one particular representative was met with 'that will be discussed at the review' By the way it looked like the bus stop (accross from Vujon) is going if the plan is put in place. |
Paul Wilkinson
Wednesday, September 14, 2011 11:36 |
The following site may be of interest...
village greens
Paul Wilkinson
Thursday, October 13, 2011 11:51 |
Article in the Craven Herald