Phil Corp
Wednesday, January 15, 2014 11:36 |
land off Holme Lane (Alvic Field)
Just had a flyer from Auction House to say that the field is coming up for auction on 5th Feb at Elland Rd Stadium For details visit and put BD20 8DF into the search line |
Paul Wilkinson
Wednesday, January 15, 2014 11:58 |
Thanks for that Phil, the guide price is £10,000+ and the description on the auction site says:
"Whether you are looking at applying for planning permission to build houses, extending your existing garden or simply looking for somewhere to walk the dog, this 2.2 acre plot west of Holme Lane and north of Holme Beck should be of interest to a wide range of buyers."
Nikki Barrett
Thursday, January 16, 2014 08:30 |
would be great if the village bought this land to keep for the village use! I would be willing to put into the pot! |
Derek Bowers
Sutton in Craven
Thursday, January 16, 2014 12:48 |
I would add to the pot aswell.we could ask the village committee how much money thay have to help out. |
Stephen Spencer Place
Thursday, January 16, 2014 17:02 |
It is my understanding that an urgent Special Meeting of Sutton Parish Council is to be held in the Park Pavilion at 5.45pm on Monday 20th January to consider the sale, by auction, of Alvic Field on 5th February and as to whether the Council should bid on behalf of the people of Sutton. Residents can attend this meeting. I would imagine that financial pledges can be offered at this meeting, or beforehand by contacting the Clerk to Sutton Parish Council. |
Elaine Polshaw
Holme Lane, Sutton in Craven
Thursday, January 16, 2014 19:53 |
I too would like Alvic field to stay in the hands of the village people, I am not sure that I would be able to pledge financially, but I am more than willing to help in any other way ie help weeding or clearing the field. It will be a real shame for it to fall into the hands of the developers. |
Hazel Martell
Thursday, January 16, 2014 20:09 |
Having read the messages above, I'd also be willing to pledge some financial support. |
Paul Wilkinson
Thursday, January 16, 2014 21:14 |
If every household in the village chipped in, it would probably be less than £10 per household.
J Throup
Sutton in Craven
Friday, January 17, 2014 20:35 |
Hi we would also be willing to chip in. Janet & Alan Whitaker |
David Laycock
Saturday, January 18, 2014 05:02 |
Count me in for an eqivalent A$ sub. |
Alan Smith
Monday, January 20, 2014 15:49 |
Dogs from the district will miss this untidy area,hope this does not mean more mess on our pavements. |
Denis Marshall Pickles
Monday, January 20, 2014 19:05 |
Things change over the course of time. This field has changed greatly since I was a lad over 70 years ago and surely it is only a fraction of the size it once was. Alan Smith doesn't rate it much and as the footpath runs through the field, the dogs would continue to do so! So what really would be the attraction in having it in public ownership? The Parish Council will have by now held their special meeting. I wonder what has been decided? |
Paul Wilkinson
Tuesday, January 21, 2014 08:19 |

Debbie Reid
Wednesday, January 22, 2014 10:58 |
Hi. Could I ask, as I wasn't at the meeting, what the plans are for the field if the parish council is successful in its bid attempt? Would sit remain as is, or are there any plans to develop/tidy it up? |
Pat Whitaker
Wednesday, January 22, 2014 11:28 |
We are also wondering what would be the proposed use for the field? When my children were small I seem to remember it was mown in the summer months and used for a bonfire site in November.
Paul Wilkinson
Wednesday, January 22, 2014 14:21 |
from the Clerk to Sutton Parish Council:
Should the Parish Council be successful in its bid to purchase the land on behalf of the village, a meeting will be held, which members of the public can attend, to discuss the best options for use.
John Sherburn
Wednesday, January 22, 2014 19:09 |
I have made a pledge via email to the clerk but it has been returned as undelivered. It appears that the parish council website is down. This needs looking at quickly if pledges are to be counted before the deadline.
Paul Wilkinson
Wednesday, January 22, 2014 19:48 |
The Clerk's current email address is:
John Sherburn
Wednesday, January 22, 2014 20:44 |
Thanks Paul. I'll give it a try.
Terry Longbottom
Wednesday, January 22, 2014 23:05 |
2.2 acres of prime building land for £10,000.
Well the pigs are all fed and watered and ready for flying.
looks like someone may be trying to get shot of upcoming expenses like contaminated land or boundary wall maintenance , |
Paul Wilkinson
Thursday, January 23, 2014 13:19 |
update from the Clerk:
The Parish Council website is being changed over and is currently being updated.
The new address is
Chris Hall
United Kingdom
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 15:22 |
£70,000, was that the council? |
Sutton-in-Craven Parish Council
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 18:27 |
The Land at Holme Lane (Alvic Field) sold at Auction today for £70,000.
The Parish Council are disappointed in not acquiring the land on behalf of the village but would like to express how well the community came together in our bid to improve appearances and amenities in the village.
Sutton-in-Craven Parish Council were prepared to match fund the £18,000 pledged by members of the public as well as cover legal and auction fees had they been successful. We would like to thank all those who attended the village meeting, those who pledged money towards the bid and wrote to the council expressing their support.
Mark Spence
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 20:26 |
now we wait for the planning application... |
Nikki Barrett
Thursday, February 6, 2014 07:03 |
Disappointing news that the village was unable to acquire this land, no doubt as Mark Spence says the planners will be busy (hope I am wrong). But what a great result on the pledges from both the villagers and the match from the Parish council, just shows the community cares about the village, we should still be proud of our pledges and the support we showed. |
Alan Smith
Thursday, February 6, 2014 09:41 |
At last things are moving regarding this complete eyesore,if it is going to be built on it is better here than development on the other side of the beck which I think was opposed by the majority of villagers. |
Stephen Spencer Place
Friday, February 7, 2014 18:52 |
Better here than across the beck? The only protection we have ON ALL the green fields from Glusburn Bridge to Landis Lunds is the Green Wedge Policy. This states that no development should take place within a greenwedge, that wedge being a CONTINUOUS ribbon of undeveloped land dividing two or more dissimilar communities. It's a row of falls and they will probably all fall. And it has to be noted that a recent p Appeal against refusal to build houses on an adjoining field was based on that same green wedge policy. |
Alan Smith
Friday, February 7, 2014 21:41 |
I would like to make the point that Sutton-in-Craven extends to Boundary Avenue and I don't see a 'green wedge' between it and Cross-hills. |
Maurice Atkinson
Saturday, February 8, 2014 09:24 |
Absolutely Alan--there is no distinction between Sutton and Crosshills and it has been so for years. |
Paul Wilkinson
Saturday, February 8, 2014 14:38 |
The green wedge is between "settlements", this is irrespective of where the government defined "boundary" is.
David and Margaret Johnson
Sutton in Craven
Monday, February 10, 2014 21:35 |
Unlike Messrs Smith and Atkinson, we are most disappointed that the Village has not been able to buy the land and wish to thank everyone involved in the attempt for all their efforts. The land could have been an extra recreational area for the people of Sutton as well as a green wedge. The land, as we understand it, is designated Level 3 flood risk and anyone who has been watching the news recently will realise the dangers to both life, property and the surrounding area, of further building on a flood plain. We were amongst the fifty plus houses in the village flooded in 2004, not an experience we would wish to repeat or to wish upon others though we would be pleased to share our experiences and photos of that time with Messrs Smith and Atkinson. It would not be appropriate to speculate as to what the new owners wish to do with the 2 acres of land at this time, but we do urge the village community to be vigilant, the fields either side of Holme Beck are equally valuable to the people of Sutton. D & M Johnson Sutton |
Maurice Atkinson
Monday, February 10, 2014 21:41 |
Err.....where did I comment about the purchase of this land?? Please read my post again! |
Alan Smith
Wednesday, February 12, 2014 08:55 |
Having lived in Sutton since 1942 I can remember my grandfather who farmed in the Lake-district admiring the field across the road from Thompsons farm in his opinion one of the best hay meadows anywhere,like a lot of things if his generation could see the state of things today I think he would be appalled.There is one piece of Sutton that looks better than I can ever remember that is our superb park and I think those responsible for this being so need our congratulations for their work I include the parish council in this,as I must admit I was very much against the felling of the avenue of mature trees down the centre ,due I am ashamed to confess due to their neglect which occurred when I and former members of the council were responsible. |