David Laycock
Tuesday, August 10, 2010 12:50 |
Web page photo
Hi Paul, what a beautiful photo of I presume the Sutton beck starting up the Clough. David in Oz |
Paul Wilkinson
Tuesday, August 10, 2010 14:52 |
Hi David, thanks for your comment. Yes it was taken part way up Sutton Clough. I did a bit of tweaking to bring out the colours. There's a slightly larger version below and another one from the same outing. I'd originally wanted to include a woman dressed in a flowing white broderie-anglaise type of dress sitting on a rock by the waterfall but couldn't find a volunteer!

Alan Pickles
Tuesday, August 10, 2010 18:08 |
Paul, The 'Telegraph and Argus' are running a photograph competition for countryside scenes taken within the County boundary. Could I suggest that you enter this and any two others of your pictures. Best of luck. The prizes are worth having. Alan. |
David Laycock
Saturday, August 14, 2010 11:53 |
Hi Allan, yup I agree with your suggestion. How are you ? I usually get resposes from brother Dennis. |
Alan Pickles
Saturday, August 14, 2010 19:05 |
Hello David, Thanks for your support for the photos and the encouragement for Paul. He really does do a good job with the pictures he produces and the way that he runs the website. I hope that he enters and does well. Pleased to hear that you are fit and well. It takes a bit of believing that the young lad I remember is one of the more senior citizens who contribute to the website. I do not recognise many of those who do contribute, from my days in Sutton. The surnames are familiar but the forenames don't fit. I suppose that is my age. At least yours registers. When did you emigrate? Do you meet up with any other ex pat Suttoners? Take care and keep contributing. |
Paul Wilkinson
Sunday, August 15, 2010 18:12 |
Thanks Alan, David - I've got hold of a copy of Tuesday's Telegraph and Argus that has details of the competition, will look through my photos. Paul
David Dryden
Monday, August 16, 2010 05:03 |
Hi David Lay cock where in Melbourne are you as i came from Sutton to went to the church school till 1952 and the folks emigrated to Australia ... as you say this is a grate site to look back... i went back to Sutton in 1960 worked there got married had a child then came back to Melbourne in 1965/6 been here ever since those photos of the snow in Sutton well that's what made my mind up to get back to the sun i see there is a lot of us in oz that came and looking back from Sutton its so good to look at it again...David |
Nikki Barrett
Monday, August 16, 2010 12:24 |
Great Pics Paul!! :o) |
David Laycock
Sunday, August 22, 2010 12:21 |
Hi David D, and Alan I live in North Balwyn. Aus since 1976, via NZ 66. Was born at 10 Crag View on Low fold. Went to Sutton Primary and KBGS. Used to knock around with various lads, Inghams, Grosveners, Hardakers, Dixons, Barrets, Simons etc. Aren't you in Dandy? |
Paul Wilkinson
Saturday, October 30, 2010 07:11 |
Alan - following your suggestion I entered the Telegraph and Argus Landscapes of Yorkshire competition and I've got through to the final 100. The photo is of freezing fog filling the Aire Valley, taken from Earl Crag looking towards Ravenstones. Paul
Andrew Monkhouse
Hanoi, Vietnam
Saturday, October 30, 2010 21:11 |
Well the freezing fog photos you took that November day back in 2008 were pretty spectacular Paul. I suspect the vast majority of Suttoner’s (including myself) will have never have seen sights quite like this before from a first hand view.
I guess the farmers on t’tops have an advantage over t’villagers down below, being able to gaze at spectacles like this. What was it the Beatles sang about a man on a hill, sees the sun going down and the world spinning round. I’ve always missed Sutton, if I live to be 80 I’m booking a one way ticket back home. |
Brenda Whitaker was Grime
Queensland Australia
Saturday, October 30, 2010 21:34 |
Congratulations Paul - wish we had a vote I could name a goodly number who would be putting their hands up. We appreciate the photos so are not at all surprised the powers that be show some appreciation too..
Paul Wilkinson
Saturday, October 30, 2010 22:51 |
Thanks Andrew and Brenda. It was taken earlier this year when we had some snow.
You can see it, along with the other 99 finalists here.
There are some super photos, well worth a look through - especially if you're far away from Yorkshire.
Andrew Monkhouse
Hanoi, Vietnam
Saturday, October 30, 2010 23:56 |
Thanks for the link Paul
I've just voted on-line for your photo. It then told me the total votes for your 'feezing fog' image is now 3. I had to squint my eyes to make sure I was reading it correctly.
It doesn't say what date the voting finishes, anyway tomorrow at work I'm going to go round all the departments and get them to log on and vote.
Come on Suttoners, let's get behind our web-master and vote for this spectacular photograph. Between us we can romp it in all the way to the winning post. |
David Laycock
Tuesday, November 2, 2010 01:01 |
So have I Paul, Win loose or draw, as long as you keep putting those photos on our web I will be Happy |
Brenda Whitaker was Grime
Queensland Australia
Wednesday, November 3, 2010 03:57 |
Hi I just linked to the site and it still seems to be accepting votes it is up to 30 for you Paul....Here's hoping there are more to come.
I can't believe it, I have been way a few days and when I logged on today I see the website is buzzing.
Paul Wilkinson
Wednesday, November 3, 2010 19:23 |
Thanks for the votes, much appreciated :-)
Andrew Monkhouse
Hanoi, Vietnam
Wednesday, November 3, 2010 21:35 |
do you know when voting finishes Paul?
3,000 people in Sutton in potentially 3,000 votes! |
Liz Kildunne
Friday, November 5, 2010 07:06 |
Great pic - have voted - come on peeps, get behind our webmaster ,-) |
Lynda Blundell nee Phillips
Vancouver, Canada
Friday, November 5, 2010 15:03 |
I've voted too. I enjoyed looking at all the pictures in the competition. Thanks for the great website, Paul. |
Andrew Monkhouse
Hanoi, Vietnam
Thursday, November 18, 2010 04:17 |
You now have 39 votes Paul, just had a mate add another.
Don't know whether this will be enough to get you over the line. Do many people have computers in Sutton! |
Andrew Monkhouse
Hanoi, Vietnam
Wednesday, February 23, 2011 12:19 |
Paul, what was the outcome of your 'freezing fog' photo entry in the Telegraph & Argus competition? Is the voting still going on? |
Paul Wilkinson
Wednesday, February 23, 2011 12:41 |
Hi Andrew, it didn't make it to the final 10. |
Andrew Monkhouse
Hanoi, Vietnam
Thursday, February 24, 2011 03:08 |
Well that was a pretty good effort Paul to get your photo through to the final 100. Maybe yours came in at number 11, we wouldn't know!
I'd suggest giving it another go in the next competition later this year, maybe one of the Sutton Clough photos at the top of this thread. Hopefully we can sound the trumpets and rally in more troops to vote for your picture next time.
David Laycock
Friday, February 25, 2011 10:16 |
You can count on a few from OZ |