Village Web Site Forum

Anne Kember
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 20:03
House move
Hello Mr Longbottom,
Thanks for your lengthy history lesson re shops or no shops in the village. It is a great shame that so many facilities in villages in the country have been lost.
We understand that there is a milk delivery but wondering if there is a newspaper one as it is too far to walk up to Crosshills.Anne & Tom Kember
Sam Riley-Gunn
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 23:33
There are both a chemist and general shop down the East end, (Sutton Mill) on the Main Street - the road to Eastburn.

If you turn left where the fountain used to be you should find your way to the shops! (sorry the fountain reference is an old Sutton joke designed to confused "off cumed uns" rather like the last reply,)

From the bottom of West lane alongside the beck there is a gentle walk down a footpath known as Gaiten/Wettings Lane that avoids the car park/traffic jam that is the High Street, that then brings you out on the Main Street by the church and bus stops.

Julian Hide
Wednesday, April 4, 2018 08:21
As far as I know, the Spar in Cross Hills delivers papers into the village.

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