Paul Wilkinson
Thursday, February 2, 2017 08:15 |
Does anybody recognize these?
I've received these images from David Gulliver via Dr John, can anyone provide any details? Taken around 1960.
Dr John: "I am fairly sure the cobbler was from Sutton as I used to go to the little shop in the late 1950s. I think he was called Eli Preston."

Denis Marshall Pickles
Thursday, February 2, 2017 10:39 |
Definitely Eli Preston. Lovely fellow! I was a regular customer of his during the war when I visited his little workshop near the post office on a Friday afternoon to get my clogs re-ironed. Thinking about it, it was only clog jobs that were carried out at Eli's for us. Shoes requiring re-soleing or heeling were collected by George Baldwin from Kildwick and brought back repaired the following week. I think George and my dad were both members of the Crosshills Conservative Club! I don't recognise anyone on or behind the tractor! |
Paul Wilkinson
Thursday, February 2, 2017 13:15 |
Thanks, Denis. I'm not sure if the tractor photo is in Sutton - I can't place the location as yet. |
Alan Smith
Thursday, February 2, 2017 17:59 |
These two are Elli & Wilf Preston whose cobblers shop was the small building at the top of North St, Sutton Mill.I think Wilf was in the forces and I remember him rejoining his brother when he was demobbed.The small cobblers shop was a real 'call hole'and usually was where to find the latest gossip.Elli's wife had a shop at the bottom of Victoria St which had been previously Horsfall's decorators. |
Brenda Whitaker
Queensland Australia
Thursday, February 2, 2017 20:19 |
Gosh Eli and Wilf - such cheery chappies even to kids who went in there to get warm - the floor covered in sandings and strips of leather off cuts.. pot belly burning... Eli lived at the corner house in North Street/Main Street and I remember the shoe shop at the bottom of Victoria Street well - was the place to go on pay day on the way home.!!! Classic photo Paul.
Alan Smith
Friday, February 3, 2017 07:16 |
Elli Preston.local pronunciation was L E Preston not E Lie Preston hope that is clear enough. |
Anthony Hattersley
Friday, February 3, 2017 13:32 |
Definitely Elli and Wilf. Used to visit back of the shop with his grandson(?) Keith Preston and Tim Baker (my cousin) always remember the smell of leather with the floor littered with offcuts and dust. |
Tim Baker
West Bridgford
Monday, February 13, 2017 20:06 |
My parents, Harold and Irene Baker were very good friends with Elli and Amy ,his wife. I spent many years as a friend of Keith Preston, Wilf's son and lots of time in the old shop. Happy memories of those days. |
Isobel Stirk
Tuesday, February 14, 2017 09:50 |
It was so interesting to read the names Harold and Irene Baker in the entry regarding the Prestons. Mrs Baker taught me at Sutton C P school- what a good and kind teacher she was. Recently I have been looking through some old family photographs and I came across one of my father, Geoffrey Kershaw, with Harold Baker and another man, Norman Lambert who lived in Steeton. I can remember the occasion when it was taken. They were staying at Horton in Ribblesdale and were climbing the Three Peaks I think- not sure if they managed three! How different their walking gear appears to what we see now. Mr Baker has a cravat and my father is wearing just a tweed jacket. All three men had met whilst travelling to work from Kildwick station. They stayed at one of the pubs in the village. |
Keith Preston
New Zealand
Tuesday, February 21, 2017 19:30 |
The two characters are my father, Wilf Preston, and my Uncle Ellie (short for Ellison). Ellie moved to Sutton with his wife, Amy, before the war and was a member of the home-guard. I remember him talking about being on watch from the Pinnacle during the war. My father served in North Africa in the tank regiment and moved to Sutton shortly after the war with Mona, my mother, who was a maternity nurse. Wilf and Mona bought a house in Wright Street, where I was born and worked with his brother until Ellie retired. Both Ellie and Wilf were keen bowls players and were members of the Crosshills Bowling Club. Amy had a shoe shop for many years further down the Main Street opposite Sturdy's butchers before they bought Horsfall's and moved home and business to there. Living just round the corner from the cobblers was very convenient in those days when we could play out in the road and in the 'Well Field' and just drop into the cobblers shop to warm up in winter. I can still remember being tossed up in the air by the pot-bellied stove by some of Ellie's old customers and the days spent playing out with Tim Baker and Russell Myers. I now live in New Zealand with my wife and two kids and I appreciate seeing the old photo of the family, looking younger than I am now! |