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David Laycock
Wednesday, January 12, 2011 18:24
Queensland Floods
Hi all,
I'm sure you will be aware of the flood situation in Qld.
We (Vics) were devastated by fire some time ago (12 mths), and now this is happening to the Qlds. Please have them in your thoughts and prayers and if requested maybe help them financially.
David Laycock
Wednesday, January 26, 2011 20:07
Hi all, whist the floods in Qld are slowly subsiding there is a tremendous amount of clean/clearing up to do.
Also the Vics have had bad floods in the north of the state. The worst is yet to come for Swan Hill up on the Murray as the combination of flooded rivers fill up the Murray. Not expected to peak till next Tues.
They say the water is so polluted from the devastation further up where floods have carried much waste and dead animals ect. that they can't swim or drink any of the water etc. The floods/heavy rains even affected the South West of Vic. but nothing to compare with the North. Just over week ago we travelled to Echuca which lies on the banks of the Murray river with a German friend of my daughter's to show her the Murray and the old paddle steamers that sail on the river and the historic town ect.
We had to go thru many flooded roads and then had to be diverted on the return due to towms we had com thru the previous two days being under water!
The main impact on vics. are the prices we are having to pay for vegies and fruit as alot of these items are grown in the flooded areas.
Brenda Whitaker was Grime
Queensland Australia
Friday, January 28, 2011 01:25
Hi David - What a shame you had to experience all that with a visitor when you really want to show off what it is like and how magnificent some of the country is! It would be a unique experience though. Sorry you are now getting all our water, it is very very sad for everyone and I think the estimated time for flood water damage in the rest of the country as a result of Queensland flooding is 10 weeks, that is the time it will take for all that water to work its way through to parts of Victoria taking with it some of the debris etc. Food shortages are a painful reminder of what has been happening aren't they. We have just spent three weeks entertaining two of our young grandchildren from New Zealand, they arrived the day the floods hit South East Queensland so they experienced a week of being virtually housebound but, safe and dry. We were very fortunate, we live on a lake and our garden was underwater but the house was high and dry, a shortage of bread, milk, and fresh vegies was one thing, but - no salt for the pool - what a disaster that is !! I shouldn't joke about it when so many people have suffered tremendous hardships and will for a long time - but I just wanted to illustrate that in the midst of all the chaos and heartache around us - our only problem is no available salt for the pool. The children have now gone home to a parched dairy farm in New Zealand's Northland, where is the fairness? Over here many of our farmers only really know drought and now they are flooded.
David Laycock
Friday, January 28, 2011 19:51
Hi Brenda,
Even though the water was a bit of a prolem, Echuca was good and the steamers were running. We were able to show Echuca off quite well, lunch at one of the local wineries, afternoon trip on a paddle boat etc. and dinner at the local Moama bowling club. All in all good short trip, overnighted in one of the old B & B's after checking all the local craft shops ( my wife's) we, as I said had to go back another way, but it showed off another part. Hope took her friend up to the Gold Coast for 6 Days, 5.5 of which it rained! However in the thre weeks she was here they packed a lot in. Looks like some one will be of to Germany soon!!
It was remarkable how we saw on tv how some were flooded and lost all, and a few metres away no flood and no loss!!
I didn't realise NZ was so dry up North? because it's sort of on a line with Sydney.
Unfortunately the supermarkets are making plenty.
David Laycock
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 12:38
And now cyclones, what next are they going to fling at the Qlds?
At this point in time the worst is yet to arrive. It is reported as being the biggest ever in Aus records so if you know any one in the north I'm sure they would appreciate messages of support.
Brenda Whitaker was Grime
Queensland Australia
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 23:49
Hi David - you have your own problems in Vic but I am sure any Queenslander reading your messages appreciate your kind thoughts. Personally we are not impacted at all being in the South East but watching the images on TV make us very sad for the folks further north. It isn't over yet as it seems the water problems in the aftermath are going to create even more problems - however, due to the few days warning they had, the necessary services took appropriate action and so far no lives have been lost - Thank goodness for that. I am sure the folks further north appreciate your thoughts and consideration, so, a thanks from me on their behalf.
Andrew Monkhouse
Hanoi, Vietnam
Thursday, February 3, 2011 10:45
I guess there’s always an upside to most situations. The inland sea of water from QLD is slowly making its way down the river Murray towards South Australia, unfortunately flooding towns along the way.

However, the river Murray has been severely depleted of water for years (cotton & rice farmers consuming much of the water believe it or not) and the river is where Adelaide gets half its drinking water.

So soon the river Murray will be full again which means no more brown silty water for us Adelaidians.......for a while anyway!
David Briggs
Thursday, February 3, 2011 20:37
Hi there all you guys in OZ - I have been thinking about just how you were personally affected by the floods and now the cyclones. We have seen all the horrendous pictures on the TV news etc - you all seem to have been affected in some way and we are pleased that you have not suffered too badly compared to some.
We know how you still all love your old village and show interest in so many things over here, so we all want you to know that we are thinking about you guys and what you and your fellow countrymen are going through.
Keep up the Yorkshire spirit.

Best regards to all who remember me or my brothers and sister from those good old days in the 50's and 60's

All the very best to you all
David Laycock
Friday, February 4, 2011 23:00
Hi David,
We certainly remember the Brigg's. I was at primary with Christine and remember you and the twins. I sent a few photos from school and church few weeks ago but I haven't seen them up on the gallery as yet.
We in the South of Victoria we not really affected weather wise, except we have had unusual rains for Summer, which are good for the garden. Last night and this morning we had very heavy rains, being the tail end of the last two cyclones which devastated North Qld. As you say you will have seen some tragic shots of the damage caused. This will take some getting over, some towns more than others. So far only one death!
The weather men (persons!) were able to correctly predict the time and places it would hit the hardest, so the occupants were able to either, try and protect their properties and stay, or just get out safely with what they required.
I'm sure many Queenslanders will see the kind messages of support from their fellow countrymen in UK. Every now and again one hears a strong North country accent during interviews of the people affected.
Brenda Whitaker was Grime
Queensland Australia
Sunday, February 6, 2011 23:03
Hi both Davids.. I also remember the Briggs family well - there are some photos with Christine among the Choir photos on the gallery pages.

and, re your message on another page David L - Yes the big clean up is starting here in Queensland, it is so sad for so many families. But, what a mess in your neck of the woods with flooding I hope you and your family are OK.
And now the fire in WA - I have a few friends in Perth but no knowledge of any Suttoners I hope the fires there are under control soon, enough homes have been lost already.

Andrew, you will soon get our flood water in the Murray, nothing else I hope as you are in enough strife with your high temperatures.
Paul Wilkinson
Monday, February 7, 2011 16:48

>I sent a few photos from school and church few weeks ago
>but I haven't seen them up on the gallery as yet.

Hi David - I haven't received any photos.


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