Paul Wilkinson
Wednesday, June 12, 2013 11:44 |
CDC Planning Focus Bulletin re housing supply
CDC has released a Planning Focus Bulletin containing a programme of "Community Engagement Events" relating to the emerging local development plan of how many houses are going to be built over the next five years and where they will be built.
The bulletin can be viewed/downloaded here.
The dates of the local meetings are:
South of Craven Sub-Area Event: Glusburn Institute Friday 28th June 10.30am - 8.30pm
Sutton-in-Craven Settlement Event: South Craven Baptist Church Tuesday 23rd July 3.00pm - 8.30pm
Most of the green field sites in and around Sutton are considered by CDC to be available for development within the next five years. If you want to protect the identity of the village it's important that as many people as possible attend these meetings and put across their point of view.