A LIFE AND ITS SEASONS Peter Ferguson Wilcock
With thanks to Peter Wilcock's daughters in Canada for permission, and to Denis Pickles for providing the scans.
This 24 page manuscript is the first part of a sadly unfinished autobiography, written by Peter Wilcock, in which he writes about his life as a child in Sutton during
and just after World War II until the family emigrated to Canada in 1948 in search of a better life.
Peter was the grandson of Tom Lister Ellison, one of the "Old Sutton Warriors" and one of Denis Pickles' dearest friends.
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'Peter F Wilcock
1935 to 1976
Peter F Wilcock, Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, died on 27 October after an illness. Besides being with the Department of Pediatrics, Dr. Wilcock
was on the active staff of the Charles Camsell Hospital and was the Pediatrician to the Hobbema and Duffield Indian Reserves.
Born in England, Dr. Wilcock received his High School education in Sherbrooke, Quebec. After matriculation, he won the Sir Edward Beatty Scolarship to Bishops University;
at that university, he took honors courses in biology and chemistry, graduating in 1955 with a BSc degree. He then entered McGill University in Montreal to study medicine.
He graduated in 1959. In 1964 and 1965, Dr Wilcock received his Certificate in Pediatrics from Royal College and Fellowship in Royal College of Physicians of Canada respectively.
Dr Wilcock interned during 1959-60 at Hamilton General Hospital and he became an Assistant Resident at Montreal General Hospital in 1960. Coming to the University of Alberta
Hospital in 1961, he served as an Associate and a Senior Resident until 1963. During 1963-64 he was with the SHO Professional Unit [R>S> Illingworth] at Sheffield Children's
Hospital: during 1964 -65 he worked in Pathology at the Toronto Sich Children's Hospital. In 1965, Dr Wilcock took up practice in General Pediatrics here in Edmonton and was
at the same time a Clinical Instructor in the University's Department of Pediatrics.'
After Peter died, a library at the Charles Camsell Hospital in Edmonton was named after him.