Mr Bell's Class at Sutton County Primary School 1957

With thanks to Dr John Laycock for providing the scan.

Mr Bell's Class
Mr Bell Mary Whiteoak Chistine Thompson Dorothy Varley Lorraine Watson Michael Smith Eileen Harper David Reeves Pauline French Sylvia Laycock Elizabeth Chadwick Ian Hudson Mr Laycock
Adrian Bailey Tony Pickles John Loveday Brian Barrett Roger Smith Andrew Wilson Richard Battarbee Linda Barret 220 Jean Hardaker Ann Shutleworth Elizabeth Hinchcliffe
Jean Parker Elizabeth/ Jacqueline? Bell Ann Stead Isabel Kershaw 228 Christine Hodgson Pamela Jackson Susan Brown Janice Hugget 233 Peter Dawson Jacky Morrison

If you can name any of the faces please post a message on the forum or email the webmaster with details.