Glusburn Bridge c1910 and c1913
With thanks to Tony and Hazel Ingham for providing the scans.
Glusburn Bridge c1910
Message on reverse
Dear Em
I am writing these few lines to you, hoping they will find you in the pink of condition, as I suppose you would
have a nice quiet day on Sunday, so had I, well in fact I didn't know what to do with me self, I shall send you a
photo down before the week is over, has your sister spoken to you yet I don't know whether to come down to the
circus this week or what, it just depends how I feel, I expect you will have had plenty of postcards sent to you
but it makes no difference to me about them things, what I want to get at, is whether you are thinking of courting
again or not, it should make no difference what people say to you, it will show them your dissatisfaction regarding
the other young man, of course I understand your feelings regarding them affairs & I am willing to sympathise with
you to help you in any of your troubles, you know my feelings towards you, I know you want me to wait & I will
wait any length of time you propose, that is if I shall be rewarded at the end of my waiting, you will think that I
am a bit impatient but it is more so every time I see you, because I love you as no other man can love you & respect
you. Remaining yours with best love. A Jarvis XXXXXXX these will make up for Sat.
New Glusburn Bridge c1913
The old hump back bridge was replaced in 1913.