Indoor and Outdoor Sports Facilities |
There were many sports facilities that people would like to see within the village with some suggestions being more realistic than others. The most popular were as follows:
- Skate Board Park
- Cycling Circuit
- Gym
- Swimming Baths
- Tennis Courts
- Playing Fields other that in the Park
- Changing Rooms within the Park
Comments were made that more people should be using the existing facilities and that if new facilities were provided they might be vandalised as the existing ones have been.
The existing sports facilities are felt to be generally good. Suggested improvements are as follows:
- Longer opening hours of the Pavilion Café
- The All Weather Pitch to be open all hours
- More seating
- An adventure playground for older children
- Remove the roundabout as it is dangerous
Asked if it was good idea to put lighting in the park, the response was as follows:
The people in support suggested it would be a good security measure and encourage better use of the parks facilities such as the Bowling Green and the All Weather Pitch and keep youths off the streets. Those against the measure were mainly concerned about vandalism and unsociable behaviour.
When asked if the park had lights installed should opening hours in the non-summer months be extended the results were:
Individual residents commented that lighting the park would encourage children to be out on winter nights and to keep later bedtimes.
Action Points |
- Encourage use of existing facilities
- Provide lighting in the Park
- Provide a Park Warden
- Provide new sports facilities
- Refurbish children's playground
Asked for suggestions on how the 2012 Centenary of the Park should be celebrated a wide range of responses was received and the overall picture was a combination of the suggestions below:
- Live local bands
- Proms in the Park
- History of Sutton performed by the schools
- Village Olympics
- Themed fate
- Grand picnic
- Fireworks display
- Fairground
- Fun Day
- Gala
- Festival
- Village clean up
- Souvenirs
- Commemorative monument